Are we heading towards an oligopoly in ESG ratings?

As the assets under ESG management were growing, so was the M&A activity in the ESG ratings provider landscape. 

As you can see below, the market is becoming increasingly concentrated

You can find a nice overview at:

When you want to buy the ESG ratings data (something I was involved in with all major ratings providers in 2021), you already often face bundling, and other issues typical for a market where the seller determines the rules of the game.

Competition is good for customers, but it is disappearing from the ESG ratings providers landscape as buyers of these ratings start to go only for the “big names”. 

And the “big names” are becoming less and less transparent, more and more costly…

And anyhow it is just an opinion, not a rating so if the “no names” get the ESG quality wrong, it should be no worse than if it is done by the “big names”.

Recent History of ESG Data Vendor Consolidation 

Source: Figure from Brown Flynn (2018): The ESG Ecosystem Understanding the Dynamics of the Sustainability Ratings & Rankings Landscape, p. 6.

Author: Prof. Dr. Kornelia Fabisik

Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Bern // I do research in empirical corporate finance, corporate governance, ESG and sustainable finance. I am a recipient of the 2021 Lamfalussy Research Fellowship from the European Central Bank (ECB) as well as a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). I worked as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management from August 2020 to July 2022 and in August 2022, I joined the University of Bern.